8 XA Candy cars POLICE falcon GT HO's

After the SUPERCAR CRISIS in JUNE 1972 As well as some Ford interstate Police traffic pursuit 351 V8 cars Certain Victoria Police MTS HIGHWAY Ford 351 PURSUIT unmarked Q CARS & Highly visible special marked pursuit cars received the High Output engines that were from the axed FALCON GT-HO PHASE 4 program The first was 5th of July a Pottery beige coloured Q CAR which all MTS Q cars were based at 20 Dawson Street Brunswick and sometimes were lent to country areas for about 2 weeks It is thought that the first July Q car may have been based at Benalla and used by the soon to be head of the newly formed Hume Highway Group Bill Gore. A past Hume Highway Group was formed back in the 1950s. A valuable source of research and information were possible by the generosity of Ian Meates former Victoria Police Cesar Ziccone & Caroline Oxley| Research Officer Victoria Police Museum and Historical Unit Media & Corporate Communications| Victoria Police
The post June 1972 cars that were built for Victoria Police Mobile Traffic Section for Highway Patrol duties were 6 in July 2 Q cars and 4 marked cars and 11 in October being 3 Q cars plus 8 S cars Listed below

LHJ 217 the FIRST
Exterior: Ultra White
Interior: Saddle
Transmission: Automatic
Engine: 302 V8 4V

LHJ 237 Second TEST colour
Exterior:Ultra White
Interior: Blue
Transmission: 4 speed manual floor shift
Engine: Imported 351 4V

LGD 260
Bairnsdale car
Exterior: Code S
Interior: Code Transmission: Code Engine : Code
LHH 120 photo source :
Murray & Paul King The PRESS CAR
Exterior: Code S
Interior: Code U
Transmission: Code L
Engine : Code X
The order the cars were built by vin numbers
12.7.72 LFH 013 Q CAR out 11.5.73 Benalla
26.7.72 LFK 052 Q CAR Wh/beige 13.4.73 BUILT 5th JULY 1972
7.8.72 LGB 022 20.9.73
LGB 031 changed to LJF 031 3.10.73
18.8.72 LGB 212 17.9.73 LPH 212
18.8.72 LGD 260 20.9.73 Bairnsdale photo built 24th JULY 1972
30.10.72 LHH 035 14.9.73 Q car 1 Div Calder HWP - Exists built 12th October 1972
30.10.72 LHH 120 3.10.73 Wodonga photo
2.11.72 LHJ 146 20.9.73 Candy - photo
30.10.72 LHH 065 11.10.73
27.10.72 LHH 163 20.11.73
1.11.72 LHJ 053 28.9.73
1.11.72 LHJ 112 9.10.73 LRD 112 White Q CAR?
1.11.72 LHJ 140 20.9.73
1.11.72 LHJ 171 21.11.73
3.11.72 LHJ 237 5.10.73 Candy – Photo - Benalla
3.11.72 LHJ 098 23.10.74
10.11.72 LJA 081 25.9.73
10.11.72 LJA 174 18.9.73 blue Q car 21
6.12.72 LJF 138 10.12.73
8.12.72 LKC 204 28.8.74
12.1.73 LKE 182 15.5.74