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Writer's picture8 XA CANDY CAR GROUP

50 YEARS of the Ford XA FALCON 351 POLICE HO modified SUPERCARS

The 148 MPH CHASE move over GT-HO PHASE 3. Ford Motor Company Broadmeadows in October 1972 the first POLICE 351 job on the production line of the highly modified HO series motors was an unmarked Victoria Police pursuit followed by 8 other similar cars all coloured Ultra white with saddle trim The solo Q car Calder Highway remained unmarked the other 8 received the candy car signage there was also another Q car which was blue in colour these were soon launched as 145 MPH POLICE SUPERCARS with highly modified HO series motors Senior Constable Geoffrey Brown Victoria Police MTS Mobile traffic Section Highway Patrol Duties solo Q car Calder Highway drove the 351 HO and chased down a speeding 148 MPH E TYPE JAG concluding with Ford Motor Company having to provide a written letter stating this Ford XA Falcon 4 door sedan police spec performance capability to exceed the spped reuired to intercept a speeding 148 MPH vehicle , Ford Motor Company confirmed that the car S/C Brown drove in the chase was capable and mentioned this was one of 40 vehicles that received the axed Falcon GTHO PHASE IV motors 36 other police cars also got them . Since the letter provided by Ford in 1973 for a police brief S/C Geoffrey Brown has known about the special High Output motors fitted to certain police cars including the 8 candycars Geoff has been supportive in confirming the HO powered police supercars INTERCEPTOR search we track it GT-HO INTERCEPTOR search 000 POLICE & EX POLICE HIGHWAY PATROL MAD MAX INTERCEPTORS HERO & MUSCLE CARS DRAGONSLiVED #POLICE351 #xagtbig50 #policev8 #dragonslived

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