Celebrating 50 YEARS of the Ford XA FALCON GT, race and Police variants
HUME SPEEDSTERS BEWARE - Police GT-HO on this day 11th December 1972 the media were invited to see the new weapon to fight the rising road toll in the Victoria Police Mobile Traffic Section (MTS) arsenal LHH-120 one of the new 8 'S CARS' SPECIAL Ford 351-4V highly modified SUPERCARS outside the police headquarters garage at the Russell Street Melbourne The CANDY CAR as it was nicknamed was ultra white in colour with a striking new highway patrol look with day glow colours very distinct from the usual 351 & 302 V8 pursuit traffic interceptors this was to be one of the 8 cars in the newly formed Hume Highway Group with 21 new drivers with a gold class license to patrol the Hume Highway 31 in the eight supercars in several shifts a day Celebrating 50 YEARS of the Ford XA FALCON GT, race and Police variants these cars were capable of 145MPH speeds-this was published in the SUN news pictorial on the
following day 12th De
cember 1972 #flashback351 #POLICE351 #8XAcandycars #xagtbig50 #DRAGONSLIVED